Learn to build all both Android and iOS apps with the latest and most accepted technologies. This course involves core coding and software development lessons. The course is advanced but designed for those who have never even written computer codes before. It starts with the elementary things and gradually proceeds to intermediate concepts and coding exercises and later to the advanced sections.
12 weeks
3 days weekly
2hrs per session
In this course
Course Description
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to mobile app development for Android and iOS platforms. You will learn the theories and practicals behind React Native and its core concepts. You will also be able to build responsive designs that work on different device sizes, how to navigate around, use maps and the camera, and a lot more. By the end of this course, students will have a solid understanding of mobile app development for Android and iOS platforms, including the ability to create and deploy their own basic mobile apps. The course is suitable for beginners with no prior programming experience, as well as experienced developers looking to expand their skills in mobile app development.
Why Android and iOS Development?
Android and iOS development allow developers to write cross-platform mobile apps using a single codebase (React Native), which can save time and resources compared to developing separate native apps for each platform. React Native components can be easily reused across different parts of an app or between different apps, which can increase development efficiency and reduce code duplication. While React Native is built on JavaScript, it still allows developers to access native APIs and features, which can provide the performance and functionality of native apps.
Course Outline
Understanding the Essentials of HTML
HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is a markup language used to structure web pages. It uses a series of elements, such as headings, paragraphs, images, and links, to define the content and layout of a web page. Each element can have attributes, which provide additional information about the element, such as the image source or link destination. HTML also includes essential features such as forms, tables, and lists, which enable developers to create interactive and organized web pages. Understanding HTML, its elements, attributes, and other essential features, is critical for any web designer looking to create engaging and effective web pages.
Understanding the Essentials of CSS
CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a style sheet language used to describe the visual presentation of a web page. It allows developers to control the layout, typography, colors, and other design elements of a web page. By separating the presentation of a web page from its content, CSS enables developers to create consistent and visually appealing web pages across multiple devices and platforms. CSS works in conjunction with HTML and can be applied to individual elements, groups of elements, or the entire web page. Understanding CSS is essential for creating professional and aesthetically pleasing web designs.
JavaScript is a client-side language, meaning that it is run in the user's web browser rather than on a server. It is often used to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages, such as creating pop-up windows, validating forms, or enabling animations. It can also be used to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) of a web page, allowing developers to dynamically change the content and appearance of a page in response to user input or other events. In addition to client-side scripting, JavaScript can also be used on the server-side with technologies such as Node.js, which allows JavaScript to be used for building scalable, high-performance web applications. JavaScript is also used in a variety of other contexts, such as mobile app development, game development, and even machine learning.
Asynchronous JavaScript
Asynchronous JavaScript is a programming paradigm that allows JavaScript code to execute non-blocking operations, which means that the code can continue to run while waiting for long-running tasks to complete. This allows for more efficient use of computing resources and a better user experience, as the user does not have to wait for the page to load or for other tasks to complete before they can interact with the page.
OOP in javascript
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that is widely used in JavaScript. OOP is a way of organizing code around the concept of objects, which are instances of classes or constructors that encapsulate data and behavior. In OOP, classes are a recent addition to the language, and are essentially syntactical sugar on top of the existing prototype-based inheritance system. Constructors are functions that are used to create instances of a class, and can be used to initialize instance properties.
Git is a version control system that allows you to keep track of changes made to files and collaborate with others on software development projects. It was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 and is now widely used by developers and organizations around the world. Git allows you to create a repository, which is a collection of files and folders that you want to track changes to. You can make changes to files in the repository and then commit those changes to the repository. Each commit represents a snapshot of the repository at a particular point in time, so you can easily roll back to previous versions of files if necessary.
GitHub is a web-based platform that provides hosting for Git repositories. It allows you to easily store and share your Git repositories with others, and provides tools for collaboration such as pull requests and issue tracking. GitHub also provides a range of other features such as wikis, project management tools, and social networking features for developers. By using Git and GitHub together, developers can easily collaborate on software development projects, track changes to files, and share their work with others. This makes it easier to work on complex projects with multiple contributors, and helps ensure that everyone is working with the most up-to-date version of the code.
React Native
React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook that allows developers to build high-quality native mobile apps using JavaScript and React. React Native uses the same underlying principles as React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, but is optimized for mobile platforms.
React Native Hooks
React Native Hooks are a new feature introduced in React Native 0.59 that allow developers to use state and lifecycle methods in functional components, which were previously only available in class components. useContext, useEffect and useState are just a few of the many hooks available in React Native, and developers can also create their own custom hooks to encapsulate reusable logic in their applications. Overall, React Native Hooks provide a more concise and flexible way to write functional components that can still use state and lifecycle methods.
Firebase is a cloud-based platform developed by Google that provides a variety of services to help developers build, grow, and manage mobile and web applications. Firebase provides detailed documentation and cross-platform SDKs to help you build and ship apps on Android, iOS, the web, C++, and Unity.
Publishing an app
Before an app can be published, it must first be developed. This involves creating the user interface, building the underlying functionality, and testing the app to ensure that it works as intended. Depending on the size and complexity of the app, this process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Each app store has its own set of guidelines that must be followed in order to publish an app to Play store or App store.
Highlight The Skill You Will Gain With Our Verifiable Certificate
Upon completing the course and a building successful project, you will be awarded a certificate to showcase your new skills. Your certificate is also verifiable on our website so that potential employers can easily confirm its authenticity.